Today, I turn 29. One year closer to 30. I don't have an issue with that number at all. It really doesn't phase me. I know in my past 29 years, I have grown; I learn something new with each one. I know this will be the best year yet and I am so excited to get it started!

I am not a big birthday celebrator. I just want to spend the day with people I love. Surround myself with happiness and love. And work....I do have to work tonight. I'm in the middle of my stretch of nights at work, but that's OK. I don't feel the need to have to take my birthday off from work!

I am not a big birthday celebrator. I just want to spend the day with people I love. Surround myself with happiness and love. And work....I do have to work tonight. I'm in the middle of my stretch of nights at work, but that's OK. I don't feel the need to have to take my birthday off from work!
As I get older, I change, but I get better. I like to think I enjoy the small things more. I think with each year, I become more accepting of who I am; getting to know myself to the core. With each year, I realize, I care less and less about what people think of me. I am who I am and the people who are in my life enjoy me for the qualities I have. I don't need to change me.
As I turn 29 today, I reflect on me. I know who I am. I know what I want, where I'm going, and for the most part, how to get there.
As I turn 29 today, I reflect on me. I know who I am. I know what I want, where I'm going, and for the most part, how to get there.
There is something so bittersweet about turning one year older though. I know this day is suppose to be about me, but I cannot help to think back to 2 years prior, when Palmer was born. My birthday reminds me that Palmer is now one year older too. Born just 2 days before my birthday, our sweet little girl came into our lives. Just two days ago, she turned 2. Life goes so much faster with a little in your life. I just hope that it doesn't go so fast that my next birthday is my 40th!!
My twenties brought me so many amazing things. Many of my greatest milestones happened in my twenties: I got married, began my nursing career, got pregnant and had Palmer. We bought our first house then built a house. My twenties have been amazing so I will make this last year amazing too!
My twenties brought me so many amazing things. Many of my greatest milestones happened in my twenties: I got married, began my nursing career, got pregnant and had Palmer. We bought our first house then built a house. My twenties have been amazing so I will make this last year amazing too!
I am excited to see what the year of 29 will bring!

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