Looking back, these past two years have been the best of my life. It's hard to remember what life was without Palmer. This one little girl has brought so much love into our lives, I really don't know what we would have been doing these past two years without her.
Where to even start...There is so much to say.
Palmer, you are the sweetest little girl I've ever known. Your heart is so full of love. You never hesitate to share with anyone or to hand out hugs and kisses. The way your sweet little arms wrap around our necks just makes my heart swell. You have almost always got #TheBelovedMrElephant in tow. The love you have for him is contagious.
Give love, always.

Give love, always.

You are turning into such a smart, independent little girl. You truly amaze me every day with all the new things you are learning. Your words have exploded and you are turning into a very smart little girl. Every day you surprise us with something new and I love it. It fills my heart with so much happiness.
Continue learning my sweet girl, it will get you many things in life.
Continue learning my sweet girl, it will get you many things in life.
You already have quite the imagination, playing with your toys, pretending, having fun. I could just sit and watch you all day. And your dancing...oh that dancing, like you have no care in the world. Sweetest little dancer ever!! Dancing to have fun and like no one is watching you. Hold on to that baby girl.
Hold on to that carefree, fun-loving soul.

Hold on to that carefree, fun-loving soul.

Palmer, your little giggle is music to my ears. Your laugh when you play with Leaf is heartwarming.

You make us smile every. single. day.
In this past year, you have grown and changed so much. You are turning into the person you are meant to be. Not only are you learning to be you, but you are teaching me a little everyday too.

I am in no way sad that you are growing up! There are so many more things we have yet to see from you. I am sad that the time seems to be going by infinitely faster than it use to. I wish we could just slow it down just a little so we can enjoy each and every moment just that much longer. I am ready to see what this next year brings for you, my sweet girl.
Palmer Madeline, you have made our lives change. I can't even begin to describe the amount of love you have brought into our world. Your happiness and love shines through in everything you do. I hope you carry this quality with you always. We are so proud of the little person you have become.

Happy 2nd Birthday, our sweet Palmer Madeline.
We love you!

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