22 January 2015

Another Friday Post

Time again for another Friday post. 

O N E ||  This week I ventured out and tried something new for supper and it was DELICIOUS!!! Mitch was saying a few days ago that "bacon wrapped anything is delicious" so I searched through Pinterest and found some bacon wrapped stuffed chicken! SO YUM! I may have to start doing more adventerous recipes to try because this one turned out great!!  

T W O ||  Yesterday was Palmer's birthday. Sweet girl turned two! We kept it pretty low key around here yesterday. We asked her what she wanted for supper and she told us "soup noodles" A.K.A. Kraft Dinner. So, the birthday girl got what she wanted and we all enjoyed some soup noodles and chicken nuggets for supper. Since had cake at the dayhome that afternoon, we opted for a slightly less unhealthy option for our after dinner treat. We had a fruit, marshmallow and melted chocolate party! Then we rocked out to some T. Swift - Shake It Off, Palmer's favorite song!

T H R E E ||  I have not yet even begun to plan for Palmer's party next weekend!! We are having it next Saturday but I haven't even started to get things organized at all. Hopefully the party is not a complete flop! But really, how hard can it be to entertain a handful of 2 year olds?!?  If anyone has any fun party ideas, I am all ears!!! 

F O U R ||  It's my birthday tomorrow! WHAT?!?! Yup...I get to celebrate me tomorrow! Although I plan on spending the majority of my day sleeping (due to being on night shift), I'm hoping to eat some delicious food and be around my favorite people!!! 

F I V E  ||  What is a blog post without promoting myself?? Tawnya and I have had a great response from our Saturday Spotlight!! We are coming into the 4th week now and we have had some really great posts linked up! I have found some great new blogs to follow! So, be sure to stop by Saturday (or anytime next week; it runs through Thursday) with your best posts of the week for your chance to be featured with social media shoutouts!!! And, of course, to find some great new blogs to read!

The Grits Blog (Follow Here)     //     Alycia (Follow Here)     //     Kristen (Follow Here)

Rules are there are no rules! 

Please link-up to whatever you like! 

All that we ask is, if you wish, please follow us via the links above and that you link back to this blog - so that other's can join in and mingle! 

Happy Little Friday Everyone!

The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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