18 December 2014

Five Things I'm Looking Forward To Most During The Holidays

O N E   Heading home for the holidays. Since Palmer was born, we haven't been home much. With me working full-time and my parents being retired, it has always been easier for them to come here. This year, we are going to head home for a few days after Christmas (because I am working through Christmas) and I know everyone is looking forward to it.

T W O   Watching Palmer open her gifts. Most of the things we got her were just small little items, but watching her open all her gifts on Christmas morning will be so much fun. This year she will actually be able to unwrap her gifts herself and I think she understands a little more this year what is going on. She was actually really excited to put a gift under the tree the other day so I can't wait to see what she does when she gets to open them!

T H R E E  Amazing food!!!  Turkey, sweets, Christmas Eve smorgasbord of food...doesn't matter. I love it all. The food around the holidays is always yummy and I love the things that are special Christmas treats. Turkey dinner is my favorite dinner ever, probably because we only get in 2 or 3 times a year. Definitely something to look forward to!

F O U R  Spending 8 glorious days together as a family. Mitch and I don't often get days off together, really, only 2 weekends a month (because of my shift work schedule) so getting 8 days together as a family will be amazing. There is so much stuff I want to do together, like tobogganing, skating, and all those other fun outside winter activities!

F I V E  Relaxing. I feel like there is so much stress leading up to the holidays. Between that and working full time, finding time to relax can be hard. I am so looking forward to not having anything planned and just relaxing and enjoying the time off with my family and soaking up all the magic of the holidays!

What are you most looking forward to next week?

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