24 August 2014

Currently - Catching Up

After a 10 day hiatus from blogging and the computer, I'm back with another edition of Currently//A Mama Collective link-up.

// thinking about // how being away from the computer for the past 10 days has been refreshingly nice. We took a little vacation to Montana last weekend which was great (post to follow soon). Then during the week, my mom was here to watch Palmer for us while we worked. This also gave Mitch and I some time to get some chores and errands done. I honestly spent less than an hour on the computer over the past 10 days.

 // (not) reading // With my time away from the computer, I really didn't read too many blogs. I read a handful of blogs (literally, maybe 5 posts total) over the past week. In one way, it was nice to not feel bombarded with reading the posts of every blog I follow, but in another way, I feel like I need to catch up on my favorites!

// thinking about // the fact that summer is over. We played in a golf tournament on Saturday, and we were literally bundled up and wearing toques and mitts. Its August! Every other year we have played, we were lucky and its always hot. This year was rainy and cold.

// thankful for // the fact that Palmer is finally starting to feel better. Poor girl came down with a fever Monday morning and came home from the dayhome early. Tuesday she spent the day between grandparents while we were at work. Wednesday she broke out in horribly yucky blisters and we got the confirmation that she had come down with Hand Foot and Mouth. Poor girl was just not herself. I'm so happy that we are finally on the mend and that most of the blisters have started to disappear.

// thinking about // our sweet Palmer turned another month older this past week. 19 months! That means we are 5 months away from having a 2 year old! AHH! We need time to slow down, just a little bit!

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