3 March 2015

The Last One

Bittersweet moments are those that have gone never to return. Moments of realization that your child is growing up so quickly, right before your eyes; before ever realizing the last time was over.  

Unable to recall moments gone by. 

Moments slipping through your fingers before ever realizing it was gone. It's not until the time has passed that you recognize the moment has left forever. 

It saddens me that I let these moments slip by. My heart aches to remember that last time I held my girl as an infant. Before she could walk or talk. Before she was a tornado of a toddler. Before she got big.

I don't remember the last time she fell asleep in my arms, rocking her back and forth.
Or the last time her tiny little body nestled just perfectly into the bend of my arm.

It's like I close my eyes, only for a minute, and the moment is gone.
It slips away. And without even knowing it, it was the last one.

Its not like the "firsts" that come. Those are ones you will always remember. They are expected. It's the unexpected of the lasts that are the hardest.
The way they creep up on you, without you even knowing; without you even realizing it for days, weeks, months after. 

I know new memories will be made, with new firsts, and new lasts approaching much too quickly. That is what life is. I wish I could remember them just a little better.

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