
3 July 2015

Bumpdate: 24 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG: 24 weeks (on Friday July 3) 

ABOUT BABY:  Baby is the size of a cantaloupe at 12.7 - 20.8 ounces and is measuring about 10.5 - 11.8 inches long.

SLEEP: Sleep is still going well. It's pretty typical to previous, waking once in the night. Lately though, I have been waking early in the morning and not being able to get back to sleep for about an hour or so, which is really annoying!

MOVEMENT: This babe is moving all. the. time. I wake in the night, they're moving. I rest in the day, they're moving. I'm certain they are starting to us my bladder as a trampoline too!

CRAVINGS: No real cravings this week, although it's been SO HOT here that anything cold is perfect!

MATERNITY CLOTHES: Still not yet. I did buy a pair of short though in one size bigger than my usual, otherwise, I'm still wearing most of my own clothes. Like I said before, it's been so hot here that most of my days are spent in a swimsuit or sundress anyways!

BEST MOMENT: Feeling babe move all the time is pretty amazing. I have tried a couple times to get Mitch and Palmer to feel baby too, but we haven't really had any luck! I can feel the kicks like crazy but they seem to stop when someone else's hand is there.

SIBLING: Palmer is really starting to talk about it more. She will whisper in someones ear "There's a baby in mommy's tummy. Shh, its a secret." Its so cute. And she is starting to play more with her baby doll, wrapping her up in a blanket and carrying her around. "Shh, mama. My baby is sleeping." She is so sweet. She is going to be the sweetest big sister. We even saw a little 6 week old baby at a BBQ the other day, and Palmer kept looking at her, she thought she was just so precious. I am so excited to see her with her new sibling!!

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