
1 January 2015

Welcoming 2015: New Year Resolutions

First of all, I have to start by reminding you all to come check out our new link up, starting Saturday! Join us every week for the Saturday Spotlight, where Tawnya and I are looking forward to reading your best posts of the week!!!

Grab a button and be sure to check back Saturday!!
Saturday Spotlight

This is the time of year when gyms fill up with an abundance of people, who have either started a new gym routine for their resolutions or are working off those few added pounds from Christmas treats. It's the time of year people reflect on the past year and thing about what they can do differently in this one. It's the time of year people make resolutions and set goals for the upcoming year.

I will jump on that bandwagon...

Here are a few things I will be working on in the New Year as my resolutions:

one | Making a budget.
I have done this before and never really stuck with it in terms of keeping it on paper. It really does make a difference though, when you know exactly where all your money is going! Keeping it visible makes you that much more aware and I am seriously going to try to stick with it this year!

two | Meal Planning
If there is one thing we need to do, it is this! Not only does it save money, but it makes life so much easier. With us both having full-time jobs, trying to decide what to have for dinner after work is the last thing I want to do! I want to know what we are having that day and it either me ready or almost ready when we get home from work! It also makes grocery shopping that much easier and much more efficient.

three | Unplugging.
I know I spend too much time in front of a screen. Whether it's my phone or the computer, putting it down more often is something I will be working on. I plan to set aside time after Palmer is napping or in bed to do my blogging and computer stuff. I also am planning on having my posts for the week all ready to go so I don't have to work on them as much, if at all, during the week!

As for Palmer, I think less time in front of the TV or iPad is important too. Don't et me wrong, she is not constantly on it, but I definitely use it as a way of distraction to keep my sanity sometimes! A lot of what she is watching on TV is (somewhat) educational and lots of her iPad games are learning, so that makes me feel a little better about it!

four | More fur-baby time.
I know Leaf has been feeling lonely these days. With the cold weather in the winter, it makes it hard to get outside to play with him so we all spend a lot of our time indoors. Poor Leaf HATES our flooring so spends his time in the basement where there is carpet. I want to make an effort to get him involved more. Palmer loves him and likes to play with him so he is getting better with being inside. I really want to work on it with him and get him back to the old pup!

five | Practice Photography
since getting my new camera last Christmas, I have been trying to take more photos of everything. The only thing is, my only subjects are Palmer and Leaf. My plan is to read about photography and learn about it. I want to really learn how to take the best photos I can. I want to expand my subject base, maybe even attempt the DIY family photo with the tripod and timer!!! Any ideas where to start looking for good information???

So, there you have it; so of the things I plan to work on this year! What do you have in mind? How are you going to keep up with your resolutions?

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