
29 December 2014

Christmas 2014: A Little Recap

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your families! Ours was filled with delicious food, great company and lots of presents (mostly for Palmer)!

I just wanted to do a quick little recap on our Christmas holiday!

We stuck around home for the week because I was working night shifts. It sucks that I have to work over the holidays when everyone else seems to get the time off but I'd rather be working a night shift than have to work during the day when all the excitement is happening or in the evening when there is yummy turkey dinner!  I didn't manage to sneak in to much sleeping time on Christmas, but that is not unusual for me for a night shift!

Christmas morning was so much more special this year; I absolutely loved watching Palmer unwrap all her gifts and enjoy each and every one of them like it was the most amazing thing she had ever seen.  Everything from socks to Elmo colouring books to her kitchen set was opened with such anticipation and excitement. It truly is unbelievable to watch your child be filled with so much joy and love. Christmas really took on a whole new perspective for me this year.

I didn't really take too many photos during Christmas. I was just soaking everything up, enjoying our morning with our family. The memories captured over the holidays will not be forgotten and I am so okay with not hiding behind a camera for it all. 

We are currently in Saskatchewan visiting my family for Christmas so Palmer, of course, got spoiled yesterday too! Lucky little girl!  We will be here for a couple more days. We are planning on using her new skates tomorrow!  

I can't wait to catch up on all your Christmas Recap posts soon! Until then, I'm going to enjoy my day here and will be offline!!!

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26 December 2014

2014 Recap and An Announcement!

First, I want to let you all know about a fun new link-up starting in the New Year. Every Saturday, come link-up your favorite posts of the week with me and one of my bests, Tawnya for The Saturday Spotlight. I love linking-up. Its a great way to read some great new blogs or posts that you may have missed or may not have otherwise read! Link-ups are where I have found some really great blogs to read and met some truly wonderful people. So, grab a button and be sure to meet us Saturdays for the Saturday Spolight for your chance to be featured!!

Saturday Spotlight

Now, onto my top 5 posts of 2014, as determined by you, my readers!
one  Being A Working Mama
"So, finding the balance between mom life, wife life and work life, yes it is hard sometimes. Its hard to juggle at times. Finding time for more stories, laundry, date nights, alone time - challenging but so worth it. I am a mother. A wife. A nurse. I love all my jobs, even if it is challenging at times."

two  Life Lessons Of A Nurse
"I learned that there are days when 8 hours feels like an eternity. There are times you will feel like there should be something more you could have done; like you missed something. There are days you will cry with frustration; for your patient, about your patient, for working short-staffed yet again.  There are days you will feel under appreciated. Yet, I wouldn't change my career for anything."

three  Finding Me
"I am a mother, and that makes up so much of who I am. Palmer is a part of me, and that changes me in so many ways, and that's OK. And with this motherhood, comes a new version of me, one waiting to be fully discovered."

four  That Time She Slammed The Door In My Face
"It was one of those mornings when the dog wanted out at an unearthly hour. Then, the minute I get cuddled back in my bed, he's barking and banging on his water dish. I rush down the stairs to make him stop, because, like I said, it's a hideous time of day and I don't want to wake the neighbours. Again, I head back to your bed, pull the blankets up, close my eyes and hear my toddler waking up. At first, it was just playful chatter; talking to her friends in the bed with her. Soon, it turned into "mama! mama... MAMA!!!""

five  Toddler Tantrums
"If she wants to eat dog food, OK! I'm sure its not going to kill her. She will figure out that it probably doesn't taste good and will maybe learn to not do it again."

What were your favorite posts?
What would you like to see more of from me in 2015??
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25 December 2014

To All Of You, Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas to all my readers, from our family to yours. 

Happiest of holidays to you all!

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21 December 2014


I don't think there is anything cuter than a toddler in super fun pajamas, so I knew I had to link up with these wonderful ladies for the #HollyJollyPJParty!

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18 December 2014

Five Things I'm Looking Forward To Most During The Holidays

O N E   Heading home for the holidays. Since Palmer was born, we haven't been home much. With me working full-time and my parents being retired, it has always been easier for them to come here. This year, we are going to head home for a few days after Christmas (because I am working through Christmas) and I know everyone is looking forward to it.

T W O   Watching Palmer open her gifts. Most of the things we got her were just small little items, but watching her open all her gifts on Christmas morning will be so much fun. This year she will actually be able to unwrap her gifts herself and I think she understands a little more this year what is going on. She was actually really excited to put a gift under the tree the other day so I can't wait to see what she does when she gets to open them!

T H R E E  Amazing food!!!  Turkey, sweets, Christmas Eve smorgasbord of food...doesn't matter. I love it all. The food around the holidays is always yummy and I love the things that are special Christmas treats. Turkey dinner is my favorite dinner ever, probably because we only get in 2 or 3 times a year. Definitely something to look forward to!

F O U R  Spending 8 glorious days together as a family. Mitch and I don't often get days off together, really, only 2 weekends a month (because of my shift work schedule) so getting 8 days together as a family will be amazing. There is so much stuff I want to do together, like tobogganing, skating, and all those other fun outside winter activities!

F I V E  Relaxing. I feel like there is so much stress leading up to the holidays. Between that and working full time, finding time to relax can be hard. I am so looking forward to not having anything planned and just relaxing and enjoying the time off with my family and soaking up all the magic of the holidays!

What are you most looking forward to next week?

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14 December 2014


T H I N K I N G   A B O U T   How quickly time is passing. We were just talking today about how fast the last 4 years have gone. It has been 4 years since we got married then it was just a whirlwind of events and now, here we are, just one short month away from having a two year old. It hardly seems like that much time has passed at all. Yet, it seems like we have been this way for a long time and I can barely remember life without Palmer or not being married. Its funny, isn't it, how you can feel like your life is speeding by yet barely remember what is behind you. 

 E X C I T E D   A B O U T   The holidays. They are certainly in full swing around here and I couldn't be happier. We spent our evening driving around, with our hot chocolate in tow, looking at Christmas lights around the city. Some of them are amazing; like I have never seen before. 
Hot Ccocolate and a side of marshmallows!

Although I have to work over Christmas, I know it will be amazing. Palmer will be the centre of attention and we will all love it! I am really looking forward to spending time with our families over the holidays.

W A T C H I N G   The final season of SOA. I think we are the only ones left on the entire planet to have not watched all of season 7! We ended up buying it on iTunes and are watching it with AppleTV. I am very interested to see how the series ends...I can't wait to find out!

L O V I N G   That Palmer is actually understanding about potty training!!!! Seriously, we have gone 3 days nearly diaper free at home and this girl is killing it! A few little dribbles here and there, but she gets it! Yes, shes been a bare bum running around the house, but if it means she is going to be potty trained soon, I am all for it. Any useful hints from you diaper-free mamas out there??

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12 December 2014

That Friday Post: Stocking Stuffers

How is it Friday again? The week just flew by, but that's OK with  me, because it means I get 3 days off!!! AND, we are that much closer to Christmas! YAY! And, with that being said, I will get on to my 5 Stocking Stuffer Ideas for myself!

one | EOS Soft Coconut Milk. This stuff is seriously my favorite chapstick EVER! I recently discovered it and seriously, its the bomb! Smells AH-MAZ-ING!

two | Essie nail polish, I'm loving all these colors below. Essie has to be my favorite nail polish brand and they have any color imaginable! 

three | This Urban Cowgirl Designs infinity scarf. I have been swooning over it since she first posted it on facebook.   

four | A set of stud earrings, like these ones from Aldo. I have honestly been wearing the same ones for, well, a long time. I don't wear dangle earrings because I don't want to wear them to work, but a new pair of studs would be perfect!

five |  Some Moroccan Oil Shampoo. This is my favorite stuff ever, and I have sadly, run out. Maybe Santa will have known that already?!?

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11 December 2014

Keeping In Touch Over The Holidays

Family is a huge part of the holiday season, and unfortunately for us, the majority of our family lives in other provinces. This means, we typically don't see them over the Christmas holidays. Between the distance among us and my job including shift work (meaning working over Christmas), planning a gathering with many family members can be difficult. So, we rely on other ways to keep in touch over the holidays.

For the past few years, we have used FaceTime to talk with loved ones over the holidays. The face to face part of it makes it seem like they are a little less far away and that way they can share some fun experiences, like seeing each other open presents and essentially "being together" while actually being far away

There is also the good old fashioned phone call to spread the holiday cheer. Calling family and friends over the holidays, to say a quick "Merry Christmas" is the perfect way to keep in touch with those who haven't picked up on all the techie gadgets! Between e-mails and texting, I feel like phone calls are few and far between these days, so picking up the phone at Christmas time is perfect!

We do a lot of texting in our house too, so we are able to text quick words to loved ones and send them holiday greetings along with some photos snapped on Christmas morning and throughout the day. I know they are much appreciated by those who live far away or who aren't able to be there with us on Christmas morning to celebrate.

Every year, we make an effort to send out our family holiday cards. I like to try to get them out early December (that doesn't always happen though). And because many of our card recipients live many miles away, I like to send a little hand written message with each one on our personalized notepads, making it that much more special. And, with so many cards to send out, using my Tiny Prints personalized address stamp makes sending out our cards so simple. Not only does it save me time, but it looks so chic on the front of the envelope!  I know how much I love receiving mail so I put forth the effort to make the mail I send special, filled with holiday cheer!

The holiday season is meant to be spent with family and these are the ways we stay close with our family, near and far, throughout the holidays.

Do you have family that lives far away?
What are some ways you keep in touch over the holidays? 

9 December 2014

Making Holiday Memories: Baking Cookies

I have never been one to be much of a baker. Or a cook for that matter. I don't LOVE cooking or baking, but I do love eating! 

Anyways, I can remember baking cookies with my mom when I was younger, helping to pour all the ingredients into the mixing bowl, watching it all blend together. I would help to put the dough onto the pan, and of course, sneak in a bite or two of the cookie dough (obviously the best part!)

I wanted to make these memories with Palmer. 

She was eager to see what we were up to. I had to take the eggs away from her a number of times. That's when Daddy stepped in. As I measured out all the ingredients, Palmer and Mitch added it to the mixer. 

I tried to snap a few photos while making the cookies, but it was one of those moments when you just step back and look at the two people in front of me and think "This is perfect." Something in that moment just made me smile and think about how much I really love them!

Linking up here
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