
26 December 2014

2014 Recap and An Announcement!

First, I want to let you all know about a fun new link-up starting in the New Year. Every Saturday, come link-up your favorite posts of the week with me and one of my bests, Tawnya for The Saturday Spotlight. I love linking-up. Its a great way to read some great new blogs or posts that you may have missed or may not have otherwise read! Link-ups are where I have found some really great blogs to read and met some truly wonderful people. So, grab a button and be sure to meet us Saturdays for the Saturday Spolight for your chance to be featured!!

Saturday Spotlight

Now, onto my top 5 posts of 2014, as determined by you, my readers!
one  Being A Working Mama
"So, finding the balance between mom life, wife life and work life, yes it is hard sometimes. Its hard to juggle at times. Finding time for more stories, laundry, date nights, alone time - challenging but so worth it. I am a mother. A wife. A nurse. I love all my jobs, even if it is challenging at times."

two  Life Lessons Of A Nurse
"I learned that there are days when 8 hours feels like an eternity. There are times you will feel like there should be something more you could have done; like you missed something. There are days you will cry with frustration; for your patient, about your patient, for working short-staffed yet again.  There are days you will feel under appreciated. Yet, I wouldn't change my career for anything."

three  Finding Me
"I am a mother, and that makes up so much of who I am. Palmer is a part of me, and that changes me in so many ways, and that's OK. And with this motherhood, comes a new version of me, one waiting to be fully discovered."

four  That Time She Slammed The Door In My Face
"It was one of those mornings when the dog wanted out at an unearthly hour. Then, the minute I get cuddled back in my bed, he's barking and banging on his water dish. I rush down the stairs to make him stop, because, like I said, it's a hideous time of day and I don't want to wake the neighbours. Again, I head back to your bed, pull the blankets up, close my eyes and hear my toddler waking up. At first, it was just playful chatter; talking to her friends in the bed with her. Soon, it turned into "mama! mama... MAMA!!!""

five  Toddler Tantrums
"If she wants to eat dog food, OK! I'm sure its not going to kill her. She will figure out that it probably doesn't taste good and will maybe learn to not do it again."

What were your favorite posts?
What would you like to see more of from me in 2015??
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