
14 November 2014

Friday 5: Winter Things

Well, winter is here. The piercing cold air that burns your face the minute you step outside. The days of bundling up in your winter jacket, mittens, touque and your big Sorel's. The waking up that little bit earlier to make sure the car is warm before you start your trek to work. Yup, its here. It has been (what seems like) brutally cold here in Lethbridge, like -22 with a windchill of -30! That cold. UGH. 

But, instead of hating winter, I'm going to make a list of 5 things I want to do this winter....

one:: Go sledding. We went last year down this pitiful little hill near the park by our house, but this year, I think Palmer will enjoy riding down a bigger hill. Mitch and I would have fun too, especially hearing Palmer laughing and having fun! 

two:: Build a snowman. This is another thing I've not done in a LONG time!!! We definitely get enough snow around here to build one, or two, or eight!!!

three:: Go ice skating. Again, I don't think I've been ice skating in over 10 years. I enjoy it and I'm good enough that I don't fall, so maybe we need to give it a try too.

four:: Teach myself to knit and/or crochet. I've seen lots of posts of people making their own cozy scarves and it got me thinking, I can do that too!! Any ideas where to start???? 

five:: Stock pile some slow cooker freezer meals. There is nothing better than coming home from a long day at work to your supper already being cooked for you! Getting out of the cold to the smells of delicious food... What are your favorite slow cooker freezer recipes?? I'd love to hear it. 

linking up here

and....before you leave, have you entered the ItFitBand Headband Giveaway????
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