
2 September 2014

September Reminders

Social media is filled up with back to school everything. Photos of kids in their new school clothes, backpack on, ready to head out for the first day of the new school year. Parents sad to see their littles off for the first time while others are happy for the routine that school brings.

And here I am, left with the reminder of how quickly Palmer is growing and how a few years may seem like a long time, it really goes by fast. Soon, I will be dressing Palmer up in her new school clothes, sending her off to preschool/kindergarten/etc. And I will be that parent in awe of how grown up my child is getting.  I will be that parent eager to see her off to a new chapter in her life; our lives. Yet with a trickle of sadness that my baby isn't a baby. That my baby is in fact a big kid, setting off into the world of learning, school, and new friends.

But, until that time comes, I am going to enjoy the cuddles. Enjoy the sleep-in mornings we get some week days. Enjoy mid morning play dates with friends. Enjoy afternoon naps together.
Enjoy my little being just that; little.

Did you send your little off to school today???

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