
25 April 2014

Five on Friday

Wow, its sure been a long time since I have linked up with the 5 on Friday crew of Darci, April, Natasha, and Christina
So without further adieu, here are my most recent 5 things.

Essie Nail polish! I was never really one to paint my nails, but lately, I have been, and I have to say, this stuff is awesome. The colours are great and it dries in no time, and with a toddler running around, no time means perfect!

Spring weather! It is so great to get to be outside again, enjoying the warm weather (although in Southern Alberta right now, it is being accompanied by wind). Its refreshing to be able to get outside, play in the yard and let Palmer wear off her energy outdoors playing with Leaf.

Along with the warm weather comes running outside. I will be the first to admit that I don't love running. I don't get joy out of running for an hour. I don't get a high from running for miles. I do it to exercise. On average, I run 5km, trying to beat my last time or latest split. I don't often get out to do it in the winter as our winter Chinooks can make for some pretty slippery, unfavorable road conditions. But, the spring and summer, I really have no excuse, so I lace up my shoes and head out for a run with Leaf. I know he enjoys it far more than I. I have to start training a little more soon,as I have a race coming up in June.

Since receiving my camera for a gift at Christmas, I have taken thousands of photos. I know the basics of what I need to adjust to get the look I like, however, I also know there is So. Much. More. to know! I'm wanting to start reading more about how to adjust my camera to the settings I like, and read more about different photography tips and tricks to get the best pictures I can! I have the perfect little model (if I could only get her to sit still for a couple shots!)

Just two words. Bubble Guppies.

Now, I am not one who thinks that plunking my child down in front of the TV screen and letting her watch hours of TV is a good idea, however, if there is something I need to get done with minimal interruption (such as making dinner), I turn the PVR on to Bubble Guppies. The minute Palmer hears those first few magical music notes, she stops whatever she is doing, glues her eyes to the TV and starts saying "Bubba Bubba Bubba" (bubble, bubble, bubble). Not only does it keep her distracted for 25 min, but it really is super cute watching her sing the theme song and dance along to the music.

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