
11 January 2014

Our First Week at the Day Home.

This past week, our family has settled in to our new "real life." With Palmer approaching her first birthday, it was inevitable that she would be heading to her day home soon, Mitch would be heading to school fulltime, and I continue to work.

Our real life began on Monday.

Monday morning, we all had to wake up bright and early. With me having to be at work at 7am and Mitch at school at 7:30am, this too means that Palmer had to be up and out the door early too to head to her new day home.

I really wasn't as nervous or worried about this day as I thought I may have been. I had gotten everything ready the night before, packing lunches for Mitch and I and packing Palmer's new backpack for her first day with her day home and sorting out last minute details with J (our day home provider).

So, every day this week, I got up 15 minutes earlier than I use to, packed up Palmer at 6:15 am, and headed off to J's house. Right now, her house is way across the other side of the west side, but luckily for us, she is moving closer to our house at the end of the month so we will literally have to drive by her house to get to and from work everyday, which is going to hugely reduce the time driving there!

The first couple days, I think Palmer was a little upset over Mitch or I not being there all day with her, but by Friday, she really warmed up to her new routine.  We get reports that Palmer loves to play with the other kids. J takes them on walks, to play dates, and to the library for stories and songs (Which we hear Palmer really loves!) I know it's early yet, but I feel really good about Palmer going to J's house nearly everyday. 

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