
27 September 2013

5 on Friday

Palmer started swimming lessons this week. We really don't do much in them, but it's a good way to get out of the house, meet new babies, and plus, Palmer LOVES the water! I think Palmer was the splashiest little fish in the water on Monday!

 I had to go through Palmer's clothes yet again! She is now wearing clothes ranging from 6 months to 12-18 months, depending on the brand! I cannot believe how much stuff doesn't fit her anymore!!! And, I can't believe how fast she is growing out of all her clothes! Good thing a trip to Whitefish is in our near future - SHOPPING!!!!

Palmer got her new Starband helmet on Tuesday. You can read about it here.

I am going to Calgary on Monday to go wedding dress shopping with my sister-in-law! I've only ever been once before and that was for my own wedding! I can't wait to see her in some dresses!!!

Its starting to get pretty cool outside these days, and after working all week, I'd love to just spend a day in my PJ's, curled up on the couch with Mitchell, Palmer and Leaf, sipping a hot drink, and watching a movie!

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1 comment :

  1. Love your daughters name, too cute! Stopping in from the link-up.
