
25 July 2013

What We Did Wednesday

Yesterday wasn't too exciting of a day - basically just another day.

In the morning, Palmer and I went grocery shopping at Superstore. Not sure if any of you do your shopping there, but they have a "deal of the week" that they ask you about at the checkout and if they don't, you get it for free. So, yesterday, the cashier had rung all my groceries through and told me my total. I had my card in the machine and was punching in my PIN number and I asked him if there was a certain total that needed to be spent to get the deal of the week (which happened to be some sunscreen this week). He told me "not for this deal of the week, but you have to spend $175 for a free watermelon."  I said, "No, the sunscreen. You didn't ask me about it." He then proceeded to tell me that he hadn't gotten there yet and that I interrupted him asking me. Dude, I already had my PIN number in the machine! Anyways, he argued with me for a minute then said "if you want it for free, I'll give it to you." LOL. So, I walked away with some free sunscreen!

After Superstore, we headed down to New2uKids to see about some "new" toys. I was looking for something for toys on the stroller and ended up finding something that I think should work along with some soft stacking "donuts." We didn't find any baby gates there so we headed over to toyrRus to check out prices. I'm hoping to find something on the SwapNBuy on Facebook for much cheaper than new!
Palmer in the cart at ToysRUs
Playing with the new toys

Other than the shopping, the rest of our day was fairly typical, other than Mitchell was home in the evening, which is a rare weekday occurrence. So after Palmer was in bed, Mitch and I enjoyed some delicious supper (again, a rare weekday occurrence).

Napping and snuggling

our delicious supper

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