
1 July 2015

Hello July!

Happy July and Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians!! 

Well, we are half way though the year now. I cannot even believe how fast it has gone by. Before we know it, we will have a baby and a 3 year old! It blows my mind!

I don't normally make any monthly goals for myself but with this new month, I thought, why not. So, here we go...

1. Be more organized! I have been slipping into the really bad habit of carrying my Be Filled planner around with me everywhere, but not writing anything in it. So, I sat down this morning, wrote in all my appointments, work schedule, etc for the month and I plan to keep on top of it. I know with a baby on the way, my organization skills need to improve immensely (although I know they will likely all go right out the window when little babe makes their arrival!)

2. Take in all the moments I have with Palmer being the only child. With me approaching 6 months along, the time of having just one child is closing quickly. I want to make sure Palmer gets to enjoy the last few months of us fully. I have hopes of taking her to the zoo this month, the petting zoo next month, the local fair in August, and any other special little outings that I think she will love. It's important to me to focus on her this next little while!

3. I think I may be in need of an iPhone intervention! I seriously spend so much of my down time on that bloody thing that it's making me crazy! I recently finished a book I had checked out of the library 3 times (yes, 3 times!) and I really enjoyed it. So I picked up a few more and have decided that reading books is a much better use of my time than Facebook, Instagram, and all the other unnecessary apps on my phone! So, if you have any good book recommendations, I'd love to hear them!!

4. Eating healthier. I feel like I have been using pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I want, but that shouldn't be the case. And now is the perfect time to change gears. With all the fresh fruit and veggies available at the local farmer's market, I should have no reason to not eat food full of nutrients. And, with these summer days being super hot and heat waves expected in our area through September, heating up the house with the oven just is not my thing. So, fresh foods it is!

Have you got any July goals? Any big plans??

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