Eight months old. EIGHT! Where is this time going? I love watching Charlie grow up and hit her new milestones but it is going by so quickly that it makes me a little bit sad. I know I say it every single month, but its so true, time is going by way too fast!!
Length - I'm unsure.
Weight - 20 lbs?
(This is a guess. We will have a measurement at 9 months)
Charlie is wearing size 3 diapers and is fitting in all different sizes of clothes. There is some 3-6 month still (mostly the pants), sleepers and onesies are mostly 9 months, and we are wearing some tops and dresses that are 12 or 12-18 months.

(This is a guess. We will have a measurement at 9 months)
Charlie is wearing size 3 diapers and is fitting in all different sizes of clothes. There is some 3-6 month still (mostly the pants), sleepers and onesies are mostly 9 months, and we are wearing some tops and dresses that are 12 or 12-18 months.

SLEEP: Sleep is still still something to be desired. I blame being back and forth between the trailer and the house, and not having any type of real schedule. I mean, she sleeps all night, but often wakes 2-3 times to eat. Its the quickest way for everyone to get back to sleep, and thats what works right now. I want to sleep train her, but I think it won't happen until we move in to our new house.
- Charlie started crawling a couple weeks ago, and now we are go go go!
- Standing up. She LOVES to stand. Often if she is fussing, if you stand her up on her feet, she will stop! She has started to pull herself up to standing too, and will get herself stuck standing in her crib, as if she doesn't know how to get down.
- She pushes her self up to sitting. This started almost a month ago. Now I often find her sitting up in the middle of the night, or playing around din her crib at bed time.
- Charlie has started to babble now. Just as of this past week, she is goo-ing and gaa-ing all the time. When she is happy, she squeals and "talks" like crazy!
- Standing up. She LOVES to stand. Often if she is fussing, if you stand her up on her feet, she will stop! She has started to pull herself up to standing too, and will get herself stuck standing in her crib, as if she doesn't know how to get down.
- She pushes her self up to sitting. This started almost a month ago. Now I often find her sitting up in the middle of the night, or playing around din her crib at bed time.
- Charlie has started to babble now. Just as of this past week, she is goo-ing and gaa-ing all the time. When she is happy, she squeals and "talks" like crazy!
nursing - she would still rather have breastmilk than anything else.
big sister
anything she isn't suppose to have
eating purees (she has no interest in real food)
being the centre of attention
(can you tell she is getting trickier to photograph? she doesn't want to stay still!!!)
BIG SISTER: Palmer doesn't quite understand that she is quite a bit bigger than Charlie, and is always lifting her up, and horsing around with her, thinking it is fun for everyone, when in fact, it's not. I know she means well, but I find myself having to tell her often, "be gentle." She truly loves her hard, though. I do love watching them play together. Now that Charlie is sitting up and getting around, their playing has gotten even sweeter!
MY THOUGHTS: I love this interactive stage. I love watching the girls play together and love watching their relationship grow. I can really see the love in Palmer's eyes for her little sister, and Charlie's far always lights up when she sees Palmer. I hope they always have this love and admiration for each other!