
29 February 2016

Charlie Dawn: 5 Months

Length - approx 27?  inches
Weight - unsure, maybe 15 pounds? (next check is at 6 months) 

SLEEP: We were getting great sleep up until about 10 days ago. Charlie use to sleep through the night (8pm-8am) and napped 3 times a day, but I fear we hit the 4 month sleep regression (and she would technically be at the 4 month mark a week ago because she was born at 36 weeks). We have gone from having the most wonderful sleeper to fighting naps like no other and waking 2-4 times a night. I am really, REALLY hoping this is just a quick phase and she goes back to being the perfect little sleeper she once was. I've been reading up on this sleep regression though, and it can apparently last months. We never went through this with Palmer, so this is all new to us! 
Note: after I wrote this, girlfriend had a fabulous 3 hour afternoon nap! 

SKILLS AND DEVELOPMENT: Lots of new things are happening around here. Charlie is starting to move more now. 
- She uses her arms strength to pull herself while pushing with her legs to move ever so slightly along the floor.  

- She has found her feet, and is loving them! Whenever she's not wearing socks, she's grabbing for her feet.

 - She is laughing a lot more and its the sweetest little sound.

- She is playing with toys, reaching her hands out to get them, or pushing the buttons on them while sitting in her high chair. 

- She is so much more aware of everything going on around her. She turns when you say her name. She watches very closely to everything going on, especially if Palmer is doing it. 

BIG SISTER: Palmer is more than I could have ever asked for in a big sister. She is so incredibly helpful. She loves to help pick out clothes for Charlie. She is forever singing to her and trying to settle her when she is upset. And, the way Charlie looks at Palmer; I melt. Seriously, the bond they have formed already is amazing to watch. Charlie looks at Palmer with so much curiously and intent, and Palmer loves it, and says, "Mom, I'm making Charlie smile," and you can tell it truly makes Palmer so happy.

MY THOUGHTS: Just like every month, I am falling in love with our little family more and more every day. Charlie was the perfect addition and we couldn't be happier. I can't believe that 5 months have gone by already; that means I am almost half way back to going to work now!

Happiest 5 Months, Charlie girl.

25 February 2016

A Day In The Life: Life With Two Kids

Life as a stay at home mom (while I am on maternity leave from work) is very different than how we spend our days when I work (and only had one babe) (you can read it here), plus, I think its fun to get a glimpse in to our day to day lives. I went back and read my last day in the life post, and there are a lot of things that are very similar; I would have never thought.

Our days typically start pretty early with Palmer coming in to my room first thing. It looks something like this.

6:45am - Palmer came into my room, and, just like every morning, I tell her its too early and she cannot turn the TV on until the clock has a "7" at the start. I'm certain she lays there wide-eyed, staring at the clock until that six turns to a seven. 

7:02am - TV is on and we cuddle, while I am still half asleep, for awhile, until Charlie wakes.

7:54am - Charlie wakes up. I feed and change her while Palmer cries about needing breakfast "right now."

8:05am - Palmer debates what kind of cereal she wants while I get coffee. Always coffee. Palmer picks Cheerios, just like every day. While I get her cereal ready, she lets the dog outside. I browse my usual morning websites, and Palmer hurries to finish her cereal so she can have her juice (this is our new arrangement - always food first, then juice, otherwise the food doesn't get eaten!)

9:00am - We play. We read books. We play games that Palmer makes up, then tells me I am doing it wrong when I try to play along. 

9:45am - I attempt to get Charlie to nap. 

10:03am - She's finally napping. 

10:18am - I put the "let's get dressed" bug in Palmer's ear.

10:34am - She is still not dressed.

10:47am - Charlie woke up (from her not long enough nap). She plays while I struggle with Palmer for her to get dressed.

11:01am - We are finally getting somewhere. Between taking her pyjamas off and getting her clothes on, she had to stop for a dance party.

11:27am - All are dressed!!! More playing and dance party before attempting to get the kids out the door (for my own sanity).

12:06pm - We are leaving the house!

1:34pm - Get home from Costco. Unload our groceries, the girls play.

2:54pm - Head out for a run. Not only for exercise, but because I know the girls will both sleep. 30 minutes of me time.

3:40pm - Snacks.

4:00pm - I tidy up and start supper while Palmer and Charlie watch Paw Patrol (yes, even Charlie is in to it.)

5:30pm - We sit to eat supper. I'm certain Charlie has a sixth sense for meal time. It's like she knows exactly when I have food in front of me. So I hold her. Rock her. Try the soother. The swing. Nothing. So, I put her in the swing, turn the TV off (because I cannot hear the show anyways) and put some music on.

5:55pm - I finish my supper.

5:56pm - Charlie stops crying and falls asleep.

6:23pm - Charlie wakes up. We call Mitch before we start baths.

6:54pm - Baths start. Then jammies.

7:32pm - Smoothies. Palmer asks every night for smoothies. She knows that if she doesn't finish her supper, she doesn't get one. Today, she made a point of telling me every piece of food she ate. Today, supper wasn't difficult with Palmer, so she most definitely got a smoothie!

7:46pm - I send Palmer upstairs to start picking out books and brushing her teeth while I do some quick last minute tidying. 

7:51pm - We read stories. I tell her two, she brings seven. We negotiate, I cave. We read seven books.

8:10pm - The big kid is in bed.

8:15pm - The little kid is in bed. 

8:30pm - I throw in laundry, finish up some dishes, tidying up, watch some Netflix, and dog cuddles and plan to be sleeping within the hour!

19 February 2016

That Friday Post

It seems like these are the only posts I am writing these days. Its like bam, all of a sudden its Friday again...I don't have a lot to say, so I will share some photos.

1.  Sister hugs. Need I say more???

2. Charlie has been sleeping great lately. I find she sleeps best on her side like this. And, isn't it just so cute; the way she has her hands folded together, and those cheeks!!!

3. We got the cutest romper in the mail this week from Archers and Antlers and Charlie looks too cute in it. I will share my review and more photos soon!!!

4. I know I have talked about how great my friends are, but its even more great that they enjoy working out too. Its always nice to workout with friends and the friendly competition makes it even better. I always feel like I push myself a little bit more when I have friends with me. And, if you have been to a BodyPump class at GoodLife, then you know that that extra little push is just what you need to make it through the workout!

5. This photo is a pretty typical morning around our house. Palmer eats Cheerios and Charlie watches, probably with a little envy.

This weekend, I hope, will be one for the books! Mitchell is done school after being away for 7 weeks! Can I get a WOO HOO!!! SO, I'm sure there will be lots of daddy cuddles and family time! What are your plans for the weekend??

12 February 2016

That Friday Post

I'm not sure what happened to this week, but its Friday already??? We spent last weekend in Edmonton (5 hours away) and Monday was spent driving home. Tuesday we had a couple things to do, Wednesday was filled with house cleaning and grocery shopping, Thursday another appointment and a Donut Run, and then there was Friday! Here are a few things from our week:

1. Palmer refuses to go down for naps anymore, so I battle the struggle daily between late, unplanned naps and late bed, or no naps and a cranky toddler around supper time. I know you mamas feel me on this one.  When she does nap, it is always at the most inconvenient times or when we are in the car. This time happened to me just minutes before pulling in to the grocery store parking lot! Seriously. I let her sleep just a few minutes before I attempted this transfer. I did happen to make it through the whole store with her sleeping.

2. While we were in Edmonton visiting Mitch, we spend a couple hours at the West Edmonton Mall. Lucky for us, we went on a day when Galaxyland was booked out for a private function and it happened to be free everything (rides, games, etc) until noon. We managed to enjoy a few free rides. It was just enough to keep Palmer entertained for a bit (before a major mall meltdown, again). She even went on a big ride alone, and she loved it!

3. I have been trying to get Charlie to nap in her crib, mostly in the afternoon, and its been a struggle. She sleeps so well at night, but during the day, I'm lucky to get 45 mins from her. I figure, her sleeping in the crib would get her sleeping a little longer stretches, and give me some real alone time with Palmer. But, so far, its not going so well.

4. I got a Fit Bit for Christmas and I really like it. One of the things I like best about is the challenges.  You invite friends to daily or weekly challenges, seeing who can get the most steps in the predetermined amount of time. I have yet to win, but it's fun to see how everyone does through the week. Do you have a Fit Bit? Lets be friends!!!

5. I have a really great group of friends. Every week, we get together to binge eat and watch Bachelor, all while getting in many laughs and catching up. Its something I look forward to every week. Yesterday, we all got together for a Donut Dash - a 2.5km run with donut stops. Who could say no to that?? Whats better than running with your best ladies and getting donuts???

Happy weekend, everyone! 

1 February 2016

Charlie Dawn: 4 Months

Length - 24 inches
Weight - 13.5 lbs 

SLEEP: We are still getting plenty of sleep around this house, which is perfect for me! Charlie is still going to bed around 10pm and wakes anytime between 5 and 7 to feed, and will lay back down until around 8am. Naps on the other hand, are't as easy. I'd like to try to get her napping in her crib more but it seems like as soon as I put her down, she wakes up. I may try just setting up the playpen in the living room for her. 

SKILLS AND DEVELOPMENT: She is really starting to "talk" more and the social smiles are non-stop! She is such a happy baby! Hardly fusses for much of anything, usually only if she is really hungry or overtired! 

Charlie is also starting to roll back to front and back.  

She is grabbing toys and putting them up to her mouth, and using her hands a lot (usually just to put them in her mouth). 

She still doesn't love tummy time, but we are getting much better at it. She can tolerate it for longer periods and is starting to put her bum up in the air, like she wants to take off crawling!

Charlie went swimming for the first time on her 4 month birthday, and she LOVED it! I figured she would, since she loves the bath so much too!

BIG SISTER: I cannot say enough good things about big sister, Palmer. She is so helpful and always trying to make Charlie laugh. She loves to cuddle with Charlie and she loves that Charlie is so much more interactive with her. She hugs Charlie all the time and truly loves her so much. 

MY THOUGHTS: We are so happy and so in love with our little family. Charlie is such a good baby, we really couldn't have asked for anything more.  We are thinking about starting her on some baby food soon (I can't believe we are there already!) so I am sure Palmer will LOVE that and want to help feed her! 

Happy (belated) four months, sweet Charlie girl.