
26 November 2013

What's in Store for Christmas?

Mitch and I know Palmer is going to be getting spoiled for Christmas this year, so we want our gift to be practical and fairly "low key." These are a few of the items we are considering for Palmer for Christmas.

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven 

1. A housecoat is always great for after swimming or getting out of the tub. Palmer grew out of hers long ago and we just haven't gotten around to getting another one.

2. Foam blocks might be fun. They are great for learning and discovery!

3. Little Uggs or moccasins. I think they are so adorable, and they will most definitely keep little Palmer's feet warm during the cold winter months!

4. Books. Palmer LOVES LOVES LOVES books.

5. PJ's. You can never have too many cute jammies! Besides, Palmer is nearly grown out of all her other ones!

6. Headbands. Now that Palmer will be out of her helmet soon, we will need to accessorize her beautifully re-shaped head! These headbands are just too cute to pass up!

7. Mittens. We seem to have misplaced one of her other pairs, and I'm sure with the blistery winter months coming, we are going to need a few more...

What are some of your favorite gift ideas for your little this Christmas??

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22 November 2013

Five on Friday

Its been a long while since I have linked up with the Five on Friday crew, so I figured it was about time again!

 Our little girl celebrated her 10 month mark on Thursday. You can read all about our little angel here.

Yesterday, we too Palmer to get some Christmas photos from Jennifer Morrison, the same photographer who did her newborn pics. I can't wait to see them! They looked like they were going to be the Cutest. Photos. Ever! We will be taking her back for her cake smash in January too!

 Christmas is coming soon. We are still on the hunt for a Christmas gift for Palmer from Mitch and I. We know she is going to get spoiled from grandparents and Aunty and Uncle, so we aren't wanting to go "overboard" with her gift. What are some of your favourite baby/toddler Christmas gift ideas??

Our poor dog is going stir crazy since the snow arrived. Its hard to get out in the cold for a walk with a baby, especially when its below freezing and windy!

We had some family photos taken on the weekend by my sister-in-law and I can't wait to get some printed and make our Christmas cards! I am in love with the photos. Stay tuned to see them!!!

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21 November 2013

10 Months: Palmer's Life

10 months.

Seriously, where has the time gone??

The past 18 months have whipped by like I can't believe. From pregnancy until Palmer's 10 month mark - all so unbelievably fast!

What's going on this month, you ask? What's not going on this month??

1. Palmer is cruising everywhere! You think she is in one place and you blink and it's "Where in the world has she gotten away to now?"

2. Palmer just started walking alone with her walker.

3. Tooth #6 appeared.

4. Palmer's first words. Dada.
Her other favourite word, baba.

5. Standing alone. Yes, it's only for a few seconds at a time, but she's doing it.

6. We had our first real sickness. Sunday morning, Palmer woke up in a spaghetti-puke explosion! Poor little girl couldn't keep anything but Pedialyte down all day.

7.  Playing copy-cat. You stick your tongue out, she will too. You wave, she'll do that too.  You make fart noises, yup, Palmer will make them.

Oranges continue to be her favourite food.
She still (usually) loves having a bath.
Palmer will often sit still for a story or two.

It's hard to believe that in only 2 short months, we will be celebrating Palmer's first birthday!

Let the party planning begin???

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10 November 2013

Another Snow Day

Today was the last day of my week off from work and of course, it snowed. So we took "advantage" of the snow, weathered the cold, and took Palmer out for her first sled ride! This was actually the first time in the nearly 9 years Mitch and I have been together that we went tobogganing!

Yes, it was cold, but all 4 of us seemed to have a good time! I'm sure there will be plenty more sled riding this winter!

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1 November 2013

Palmer's First Halloween

Even though Halloween this year was more for Mitchell and I as parents, it was so fun for us to dress Palmer up in her little costume and parade her around showing off her cuteness! She was the cutest little bunny I've ever seen!

 It was pretty windy out yesterday so we just went to a friends house, then over to the mall to see Nan and Grampy and hit up a few stores there for trick-or-treating.  Then once we were back home, Palmer and I just went to a few neighbours' houses before calling it a night.

Palmer even got to taste her first chocolate bar and even had a couple smarties!

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